DN English magazine, issue 4
Wesley Brouwer
/ Categorieën: Magazine

DN English magazine, issue 4

In this article, Jan and José Verkade will show us the last missing Epipedobates species from Ecuador. 
Once again, they observed great variation in markings and colors, including populations displaying spectacular hues; striped with near-fluorescent patterns. 
A jewel in your living room 
You could be looking at your own terrarium in one of the next editions of our international edition of DN magazine. 
Since this is immensely popular in our Dutch issue, we decided to make this possible in the English version as well. 
If you'd like to know how to participate or are curious about the example terrarium we put into this article, you will like to read this article. 
Jan van de Gevel's passion 
Well over twenty years ago, Jan van de Gevel decided to attach a conservatory to his house and arrange it like a section of tropical rain forest. The project taught him many things about construction, furnishing, vegetation, and the inhabitants. Health problems forced him to clear out the entire conservatory and rearrange it from scratch. However, there was an advantage to this setback, as it allowed Jan to correct any mistakes made during the initial arrangement. 
Tadpole rearing container 
A step to step guide by our fellow hobbyist, Jos van den Brand, on how to make an easy tadpole rearing container. 
Save yourself time and space while rearing your tads by following this clear guide on how to create such a container. 
Opinions on 'good' and 'bad' lighting differ widely between hobbyists. Ask a dozen people, 
and chances are you will not get a single straight answer. The main reason for this situation is that there is no such thing as good or bad lighting - there is only bad application of lighting. 
If you want to use just the right kind of lighting, you will need to understand what light actually is, as well as knowing the ways in which animals and plants use it. As it turns out, humans, animals, and plants experience light in different ways, and they need different parts of the color spectrum constituting light as we know it. Perhaps this explains why lighting is one of the most complicated aspects of the hobby: a factor that should not be underestimated. 
The paludarium-Raf Denier 
Raf Denier will give you a look into his latest work, a truly amazing root structure on the back wall of his terrarium. 
He will give a detailed description on how he reached this amazing result. 
Probably you will love trying this yourself in a future project after reading this article and watching at the result. 
Scientific investigation into the origins of color variations in Oophaga pumilio. 
Martine Maan, an evolutionary biologist, shares some of her research to the evolution of color variation in Oophaga pumilio
Rio Napo 
Peter Ijzerman takes us with him on his trip to Ecuador, Rio Napo to be precise. 
A breath taking travel report that will make you want to follow in his footsteps and visit 
this great piece of paradise yourself. 
Breeding wax worms 
Breeding your own supply of feed animals is all about searching for insects that are easy to breed while yielding high production rates. 
Wax worms, the larvae of large and small wax moths, can be bred cheaply, quickly, easily, and in considerable numbers in an odorless process. 
Does this sound good to you? Then take a read trough this article and find out how to breed you're own supply.

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