DN English magazine, issue 5
Wesley Brouwer
/ Categorieën: Magazine

DN English magazine, issue 5

Dendrobates tinctorius  French Guyana
Dendrobates tinctorius is the type species of the family of poison dart frogs. That means that the family has been described based on D. tinctorius. The very first description of this frog is from 1799. After that, numerous new populations have been discovered with variations in colour, marking and size. Even though we have known about the existence of this frog for hundreds of years, and we can find this frog in many terrariums, behavioural research of Dendrobates tinctorius in its natural habitat has only been done in the last two decades. This research has mainly taken place in the pristine tropical rain forest of French Guyana.

Plants for a tropical paludarium

Vegetation in a (tropical) paludarium can be incredibly diverse. Two major points of attention are climate control and overall sustainability. Loek van der Klugt will use this article to provide an in-depth look at these aspects.

Biotope research, technical assistance
Traditionally, research into climatic conditions used to be the domain of genuine scientists. Now, however, hobbyists are invited to conduct their own modest investigations into the circumstances affecting the lives of our frogs.
Alytes muletensis
In spite of its status as one of the rarest amphibian species in Europe, keeping and breeding these animals is actually very easy. In this article Sergé Bogaerts will share his experiences. He will also pay attention to the history of the species and a number of successful attempts at reintroduction.

Ranitomeya lamasi "Contamana"
In the spring of 2010, Thomas Meyer was able to lay hands on a pair of green lamasi (Ranitomeya lamasi "Contamana"). With this article he shares his experience in keeping and breeding this wonderful species.

PSG 84 as a fellow frog tank resident
Jeroen van der Steen was out on frog safari in Peru last year, he ran into an old acquaintance from his frog terrariums: Oreophoetus peruana (Saussure, 1868). Commonly known as the Peruvian fire stick, the recent encounter inspired him to renew his close scrutiny of the species. He hopes to convey some of his enthusiasm for this weird fellow resident of our frog tanks onto the reader.

Converting an aquarium into a frog tank
Three years back, Christophe de Neve was surfing the Internet when he stumbled upon a site about poison dart frogs. His interest grew.  One site didn't still his appetite, so he set out on a search to find out more about these sensationally colourful animals. Although TV documentaries had already introduced him to the world of poison frogs, he had remained unaware of the option of keeping them in his own living room. This article shows his conversion of an aquarium into his first frog vivarium.

CRARC, glass frogs, tree frogs and more
Apart from the more familiar poison dart frogs, Costa Rica has an immense variety of glass frogs and tree frogs to offer. At Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center, you will find an excellent opportunity to marvel at many of these species.  
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