Han Peper
/ Categorieën: Kikkerdag

International Frogday 2017

59th International Frogday Dendrobatidae Nederland

October 8th, 2017


Future frogdays
saturday 7 april 2018 & sunday 7 october 2018


For people who keep poison frogs and other frogs
         Sale of poison frogs and other frogs
         Vendors with plants (bromeliads, orchids mosses etc), books and terrarium supplies
         Fruitflies and other feeding animals
         Food and drinks

't Veerhuis
Nijemonde 4
3434 AZ Nieuwegein (the


Members of Dendrobatidae Nederland have free admission.
For others €5.00 a person.
The door opens at
12:00 o’clock
Reservations for a table (1.5 metre) for the sale of frogs costs €5.00
The reservation should be made before October 2nd
, 2017


         No sale of animals, different than frogs and their feeding animals.
         No sale of plants or other articles only by non commercial vendors.
         Wildcaught frogs are not allowed.
         1 Frog per container.
         Containers are not allowed to be opened.
         Frogs must be transported in a suitable and dark container protected from sudden temperature changes through Styrofoam box, cooler bag or similar item.  
Information and reservation (also for commercial breeders):
E-mail: kikkerdag@gifkikkerportaal.nl

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